Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub
What is the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub?
Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP)
The Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership(NSCP) provides the safeguarding arrangements under which the safeguarding partners and relevant agencies work together to coordinate their safeguarding services.
The partnership is responsible for identifying and responding to the needs of children in Nottinghamshire, commissioning and publishing local child safeguarding practice reviews and providing scrutiny to ensure the effectiveness of the safeguarding arrangements. The NSCP provides interagency safeguarding children procedures and guidance as well as a programme of multi-agency training including e-learning, workshops and seminars.
Policies, procedures and guidance
Policies, procedures and guidance
Notts Help Yourself Directory
Get support from other agencies and organisations.
Concerns relating to an adult
Report safeguarding concerns relating to an adult
Due to the current situation with Covid-19 and the high volume of referrals that the MASH is receiving, please only telephone the MASH if your referral is urgent, requiring a Social Worker to visit the child today.
For referrals that are not urgent, please submit an online form, which will be read on the working day of receipt.