Job seeking support

Working Well East Midlands

Free advice and intensive support for people with long-term health conditions or disabilities – to find the right job, return to work after long-term sickness, or keep their current job.

Working Well East Midlands is aimed at adults who have a physical or mental disability, as defined by the Equality Act 2010, to help them move into competitive employment, providing the support they need to maintain that employment.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • are aged 18 or over
  • are unemployed or employed
  • live or registered with a GP surgery in Nottingham City, Broxtowe, Gedling and Rushcliffe
  • have a mental and/or physical health condition or disability (this can be self-defined).

Find out more about Working Well East Midlands and make a self-referral.

Resources in Libraries

Join your local library for free and get access to online resources to help you find a job.

All Nottinghamshire libraries have bookable computer sessions and are installed with programmes to help you develop your IT and employability skills, including putting together a CV and applying for jobs.

You can also use the Universal Skills programme from any computer once you are a library member. This is a guide which covers:

  • universal jobmatch
  • employability and job skills
  • universal credit.

Find out how to join and use your local library.

Job Centre Job Clubs

Your local job centre may be running a job club to help you find a job, if you are in receipt of certain job seeker benefits. Ask at your local job centre for more details.

Building Better Opportunities

The Building Better Opportunities (BBO) programmes provide intensive and tailored support to assist people in their journey towards work. It brings together funding from the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social fund (ESF) to help tackle poverty and social exclusion.

BBO has three strands:

  • Money Sorted
  • Towards Work
  • Opportunity and Change

Find out more about the work of the BBO stakeholder managers and the BBO provision.

Money Sorted

Money Sorted is a financial inclusion project, helping people who are either unemployed or economically inactive to improve their money management/ financial capability and their financial well-being. It offers a programme of person centred support and a range of bespoke interventions designed to enable people experiencing financial crisis and financial hardship to take control, build confidence, and improve their money management skills to tackle their problems and move out of poverty and exclusion.

Contact details:

Towards Work

Towards Work delivers a person centred inclusive programme for participants who are unemployed or economically inactive, people aged 50 plus, young people not in education employment or training, and women returning to work or who have never worked, into employment and economic activity.

Participants will have access to person centred employment provision including those from BAME communities, mental health and disability specialists. It will include helping people to tackle potential barriers such as transport, disability, living in an isolated or rural areas, or having low or outdated skill set.

For more information:

Opportunity and Change

Opportunity and Change is a support programme for people with multiple and complex needs throughout Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. The programme is being delivered by local organisations working together, with a range of experience of working with people with multiple and complex needs. They aim to support people achieve stability and provide access to mainstream services. They work with individuals to create a tailored package of support that will assist with a range of needs including accommodation, mental healthcare and education.

Building Better Opportunities has a Stakeholder Manager based in each upper tier authority. For more information on the programme and the work of the Stakeholder Manager please contact:

Download the BBO quick referral guide which has links to leaflets and translated publicity

You can find out more about employment and volunteering opportunities in the local area through the Notts Help Yourself Directory.

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