Nottinghamshire Schools Portal

Governing Body Advice and Information Service
Governing Body, Advice and Information Service
This stand alone service provides year round advice and guidance on all matters relating to the role of governing bodies by staff who have a wealth of experience in supporting school governors. The Governing Body Advice and Information Service supports the Governing Body Clerking Service.
What we offer:
- Termly pre-recorded online session for Head Teachers and Chairs of Governors
- Mentoring support for new/existing chairs of governors
- Briefings for school specific clerks on business and developments (at least six hours per year)
- The Nottinghamshire Governor newsletter 6 times per year
- Ad hoc briefing reports on new or changed legislation
- Provision of advice, information and support to individual Governors, Head Teachers and Governing Body Clerks via telephone or email
- Guidance on policy and practice when dealing with school complaints
- Access to Nottinghamshire Governor Services’ suite of information and advice, available on the GovernorHub and the Schools Portal, including:
- Suggested monitoring questions
- Reconstitution toolkit including model eligibility criteria and code of conduct
- Written guidance on staff and parent Governor elections (including standard letters and forms)
- Leadership and governance solutions toolkit
- Governing body planning documentation (e.g. scheme of delegation and policy checklist) for Head Teachers and Chairs of Governors to support the management of the governing body’s workload.
"Governor Services have worked tirelessly to support our School manage a number of challenging issues in recent years. The advice, guidance and help provided has enabled me to have all the information to hand and confidently manage the situations in line with procedures. Our numerous queries were answered in a professional and timely manner and I would have no hesitation in recommending them.” - Chair, Primary School in Nottinghamshire.
Governing Body Clerking Service
The School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013, provision 6 (3) states that the governing body must appoint a clerk with a view to ensuring their efficient functioning and must have regard to advice from the clerk. Governor Services provide a professional clerking service delivered by clerks who have undertaken extensive training and are kept up to date on new legislation and policy matters relating to and supporting the work of Governing Bodies. Clerks are supported by an efficient, knowledgeable management and business support team.
The Governing Body Advice and Information Service supports effective clerking and we would recommend the purchase of this service described above to complement the Clerking Service.
What we offer
- Access to the GovernorHub, online 'cloud' storage system to schools/academies who purchase the Governing Body Clerking Service for at least three meetings per year.*
- Maintenance and monitoring of governing body membership, attendance, terms of office, eligibility checks and provision of welcome information for new governors
- A focused agenda produced by the clerk in consultation with the chair of governors at least 15 days before the meeting
- School specific meeting notices and papers sent electronically to governors within the legally required number of days prior to the meeting
- Named clerk to provide interpretation, advice and guidance on school government regulations and procedures for at least three meetings per year
- Clerk to undertake follow-up action or correspondence as instructed by the governing body
- Accurate, high quality minutes sent to the chair of governors within 15 working days of the meeting
- Correspondence handling and storage of documentation
- Telephone and written advice before and after meetings as required
- Ad hoc clerking of full governing body and committee meetings and exclusion panel meetings is also available.
* Governor Services are also able to support the use of “Trust Governor” should governing bodies choose to utilise this system instead of GovernorHub.
“NCC Governor Services have worked with us to ensure we have a seamless clerking service. I am delighted that they can support us in providing high quality and effective clerks who are confident working in both maintained schools and academies. Governance is an intergral part of compliance in a Multi Academy Trust and the clerks provided have ensured our local governors fulfil their statutory duties, assured that they are receiving the appropriate guidance. The Team discussed with us how the provision could fit with our needs and I am very satisfied with the quality of service they provide.” - Catherine Cox, Equals Trust Administrative and Governance Manager.
Governing Body Complaints and Governance Reviews Services
Complaints Management Support Service – Governor Services offer packages to support governors in responding to different stages of complaints including the initial investigation and the convening and clerking of the complaints panel.
- Investigation Stage: support from an experienced complaints clerk including attending interviews, producing meeting notes, acting as key contact on behalf of the complaints governor and supporting them when producing their outcome correspondence.
- Panel Hearing Stage: Governor Services will provide you with the information, templates and support you require to help you organise and convene a complaints panel hearing. The school will provide papers to the clerk who will then attend the meeting to support your governor complaints panel through the meeting, take minutes of the meeting and support the panel with their deliberations and outcome letter.
“As a new Chair who had to pick up a complaints procedure in my first week in the role, the support advice and guidance provided was invaluable in allowing us to properly deal with the issue in line with all appropriate protocols and procedures. Further, the sensitivity and common sense which was bought to the proceedings allowed us to reach a resolution amicably accepted by all parties. We would definitely recommend the service.” Mark Gay, Chair of Governors, Westdale Infant School.
External review of governance – Governor Services offer two levels of support for governing bodies who require an external review of governance arrangements.
- External review support – Level One: Work with the Headteacher and Chair to distribute a review questionnaire and produce and present a detailed report evaluating a range of governing body information over a three academic term period and the questionnaire results.
- External review support – Level Two: Work with the Headteacher and Chair to arrange and attend a governing body meeting, distribute and present a review questionnaire, meet with governors to gather additional information. Produce and present a detailed report evaluating a range of governing body information over a six academic term period, the questionnaire results and the school’s website compliance.
An action plan can be produced at an additional charge for either review process.
Website Compliance – An experienced member of the governor services team will review your school website for compliance and provide a report with recommendations.
All packages can be purchased individually and provide highly efficient, professionally trained staff to support your governing body.
Governing Body Advice and Information Service Contact
Sinéad Allan - Team Manager
0115 804 3906
Carol Brierley - Senior Professional Practitioner
0115 804 4623
Services For Schools
- 0300 500 80 80