We want to reach as many people as possible through the consultation that is currently underway and which closes on Sunday, October 8.
The two options that we want people to consider are:
Option 1 follows the current model which includes 6 weeks for the summer holidays and a fixed spring break (generally the first two weeks in April)
Option 2 proposes for a slightly shorter 5 week summer holiday and a 2 week October half term break, with a fixed spring break (generally the first two weeks in April – the Easter break would remain the same year on year regardless of when it fell)
The main differences between the two models are that in Option 2 the summer holiday is approximately 1 week shorter (about 5 weeks), the October half term break is 2 weeks rather than 1 week and schools will finish slightly later in the summer and start back a few days earlier in the autumn term.
I’m encouraging people to give their opinion which in turn will help us ensure that the best possible educational outcome is achieved going forward.
We’ll look at the consultation results following October 8 and will then make recommendations of the preferred option to the Children and Young People’s Committee in November.
Can I remind people that there may still be variations across the county as Foundation, Trust, Voluntary Aided schools and academies determine their own pattern of school term time and holidays. There may also be the case that individual schools, which are not maintained by the local authority, may choose to follow a pattern and specific dates that do not match those set by the County Council.
People can give their views via http://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/holiday-consultation
People can also give their views by filling in a questionnaire which will be available at libraries across Nottinghamshire or by emailing comments to schoolholidayconsultation@nottscc.gov.uk
Councillor Philip Owen, chairman of Children and Young People’s Committee at Nottinghamshire County Council