Grants totalling £50,000 have been awarded to 116 Nottinghamshire athletes and para-athletes to help fulfil their sporting ambitions.

The Talented Athletes Fund is part of Nottinghamshire County Council’s Local Communities Fund which offers financial help and support to local communities.

This year the funding pot remains at £50,000 to help more up-and-coming athletes recognise realise their potential in their chosen sport, particularly those competing in disability/parasports who may require expensive adapted equipment, clothing, or have higher transport costs.  Individuals who represented their country at national events in the last 24 months, which include a range of Sport England-recognised sports, were able to claim up to £1,000.

Successful applications included representation from all Nottinghamshire districts covering 34 different sports.

Local sports stars who have also previously received this funding include gymnast Becky Downie, swimmer Ollie Hynd, athletes Richard Whitehead and Sophie Hahn, para-equestrian Sophie Wells and double gold medalist at the most recent Paraolympics, Charlotte Henshaw.

Councillor Scott Carlton, the council’s Cabinet Member for Communities and Public Health said:

“ We are proud to continue to fund this popular scheme which has seen an increase in applications this year. 

“Coaching and related costs continue to rise, making training and competing in performance sport very challenging. The road to realising potential is never easy and I commend these aspiring Nottinghamshire sports people for their devotion to strive for their dreams.

“We would love to hear from any of this year’s successful applicants. If you create a video and upload it to your social media, please make sure you tag in 'Nottinghamshire'

Kerryn Chamberlin, Strategic Director of Active Notts, said: “The grants can really help overcome some of the financial challenges that competitive sport creates for people, such as travel expenses, equipment, coaching fees or even gym memberships. For our local athletes, this opportunity might support their path towards competing at the Olympics, Paralympics, or Special Olympics.”

Successful recipients will be contacted by the council over the coming days.