iStock image for primary National Offer Day.

Nottinghamshire County Council contacted thousands of parents on Monday, 17 April, with the outcome of which school their child has been allocated for either a reception or year 3 primary school place.

This year, 96.3% of Nottinghamshire children were offered their parents’ first preference school for a reception place this September (2023). That is 7,767 out of a total 8,062 that applied on time for a school place, with 99.6% securing a place in one of their preferred schools.

While parents who applied on time using the online portal were able to log on to their account to see their outcome, parents who provided an email address, were sent an email throughout the day. All other parents should expect to receive their outcome by second class post.

Those who are happy with the school place they have been offered have until Monday, 1 May to accept their offer.

Parents who are unhappy with the place they have been offered, should view the information on the Nottinghamshire County Council website, for more information on the school admissions process, including how to appeal.

Peter McConnochie, Service Director for Education, Learning and Inclusion at Nottinghamshire County Council, said “I am very pleased that almost all children have secured a place at one of their preferred primary schools for September 2023. It is the council’s aim to continue to work closely with schools to ensure there are enough high-quality school places.

“I’d also like to thank everyone who applied to us on time for their child’s primary school place. With 96.3% of families being offered their first preference, and 99.6% being offered one of their preferences, this is wonderful news for families in Nottinghamshire”.

For further advice and information, parents can visit