Ash trees on A610 with road in the foreground, the road barrier and trees in the background

Essential tree safety works will begin on the A610 between Swingate and IKEA junction from Monday (12 February) with the impacts of ash dieback causing a risk to public safety.

The works will last for just under a month and will be carried out off-peak Monday to Friday (09:30-15:30) under a lane closure to minimise traffic disruption to road users and noise impacts for residents.

Works affect trees on either side of the carriageway with the planned works as follows:
• Eastbound (IKEA to Swingate) Monday 12 February (for approximately seven days)
• Westbound (Swingate to IKEA) Monday 19 February (for approximately 13 days)

The works are being undertaken because of the spread of ash dieback in the area, due to safety concerns for people, traffic and property. There is a high risk of them falling onto the road.

Expert forestry teams have been monitoring the A610 Kimberley bypass for several years and the deterioration rate of these trees means the area requires urgent intervention.

The need for the proposed works has been verified by experts at the Forestry Commission, who have been consulted all the way through the process and their recommendations and guidance have been followed.

Via East Midlands will be undertaking the works, on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council, which is responsible for all trees, hedges and shrubs that grow within the adopted highway as well as maintaining them to keep them safe and reduce the risk of harm to users of the highway and neighbouring properties.

During routine inspections along the A610 between Swingate and IKEA junction, trees have shown symptoms of ash dieback. Previously identified trees have deteriorated quickly and previously healthy ash trees, are now showing symptoms.

Councillor Neil Clarke MBE, Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment at Nottinghamshire County Council, said: “Ash dieback is a problem across the country and diseased trees can pose a real and immediate danger. Our top priority Nottinghamshire County Council is public safety. Therefore, by acting on confirmed cases we can protect the remaining trees and manage the woodland. Most importantly we can ensure the safety of all highway users and properties nearby.

“We only consider the removal of trees where absolutely necessary and where all other options have been assessed, but by removing some trees, while managing the height of others, we will encourage the area to thrive.

“The remaining species are hardy and fast growing and will re-establish quickly throughout this year’s growing season, resulting in the return of a more dense and diverse woodland.
“We have taken steps to ensure any works taking place will be off-peak to keep disruption to the travelling public to a minimum.”

Speaking about the issue of Ash dieback, Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust’s Head of Communications, Erin McDaid said: “We are currently having to remove significant numbers of diseased Ash where they pose a safety risk at a number of our nature reserves, so appreciate the challenge the County Council faces in balancing the needs of wildlife and safety in managing the highway network.

“The problem of Ash dieback is here to stay and there’s no escaping that dangerous and potentially dangerous trees will need to be felled, but the resilience of woodland habitats can be maximised by retaining Ash where it is safe to do so, encouraging natural regeneration or replanting with native species and by retaining deadwood to provide habitat for insects and other wildlife.”

Through Via and Nottinghamshire County Council’s highways tree planting programmes, over new 150 trees will be planted this year.

Further information on Ash dieback can be found at our website: