Groups and charities across Nottinghamshire are being reminded to apply for the latest round of community-improving grants this week.
These funds will help towards boosting local facilities, essential running costs, as well as improving residents’ access to affordable and healthy food.
The latest round of the Local Communities Fund (LCF) is now open for applicants until Friday 24 May 2024. Eligible groups can apply for funding which demonstrate that their projects will help communities live healthier and more independent lives.
Councillor Gordon Wheeler, the Council’s deputy Cabinet Member for Communities and Public Health, said:
“This scheme is part of our continued commitment to encourage healthy and sustainable communities by financially supporting community groups and charities.
“There’s still a few days left to apply, so do get your applications in before midnight this Friday.”
One of the many groups to have its game raised thanks to these funds is Farndon Cricket Club, near Newark.
Ian Robinson of Farndon Cricket Club said:
“The Local Communities Fund has been of real benefit to our cricket club and the wider community.
“A grant worth £20,000 helped us invest in new practice net and the bowling machine, which has helped us to encourage even more members of all ages, both male and female. It has also boosted players’ confidence and helped morale.
“This Spring Bank Holiday Monday from 12 noon, we are hosting a free open day to help celebrate our new improved facilities, with cricketing sisters Kathryn and Sarah Bryce of The Blaze coming along.
“Everyone is welcome, so come along and find out more about our club and what we have to offer.”
The LCF grants are:
Capital grants (Eligible groups can apply for up to £20,000)
Funding is available for groups to make improvements to facilities that help improve health and wellbeing, as well as projects with an environmental focus. These include:
- Improvements to sporting facilities;
- Play areas and/or equipment;
- Green/horticultural improvements to open spaces;
- Heritage improvements, signposts and information boards to improve the visitor experience
Revenue grants (Eligible groups can apply for up to £5,000)
Funding is available to help projects with their day-to-day running costs such as paying wages and bills. Applications from a range of projects are welcomed, including:
- Summer play schemes;
- Projects that tackle digital exclusion, good neighbourhood schemes, dementia-friendly communities and food/lunch clubs;
- Encouraging local networks where people help themselves and each other to be resilient, neighbourly and safe;
- Increasing volunteering opportunities;
- Addressing climate and environmental change;
- Improving access to existing community-based services (e.g. advice and signposting), for the most vulnerable residents.
Food redistribution grants ( Eligible groups can apply for up to £10,000)
Funding available to help community and voluntary sector to establish or support food redistribution schemes to help families and households access affordable, good quality and nutritious food.
To apply or to find out more:
For more support and advice, check the council’s dedicated cost of living support page: