Pupils and staff from Radcliffe on Trent Junior School with Via Road Safety tutors and Cllr Neil Clarke MBE

As part of this year’s Road Safety Week, Nottinghamshire County Council and partners at Via East Midlands visited Radcliffe on Trent Junior School to talk to young people about keeping safe on the county’s highways.

Road Safety Week is a nationwide initiative and Via’s Safer Highways team has been highlighting key advice and training available for all road users to become safer, and to make sure they do all they can to keep other road users safe.

Road Safety Education is a key component in keeping highway users safe across the county and in the past year, the Road Safety Team has delivered sessions to 24,833 children, visiting 125 schools.

During the visit to Radcliffe on Trent Junior School, road safety professionals spent the day working with children and giving them advice on what to look out for on our roads. This included tips on crossing the road, who else might be sharing the road with them, as well as discussing different crossing types and ways of crossing the road. The sessions finished with the children creating some acrostic poems to help them think about safety.

One of the sessions was attended by Cllr Neil Clarke MBE, cabinet member for transport and environment. He said “We are very proud of the work all our road safety teams have achieved in the past year, taking messages out to the community, providing targeted education to people of all ages to change behaviours and making highways improvements. All of these make a contribution to our aim to reduce the number people killed or seriously injured on our roads by 40% by 2030.”

Hear what Councillor Clarke said about the session in this short video

To find out more about road safety training please visit Road Safety – Via East Midlands (viaem.co.uk)

The photo shows Amy Longworth and Georgina Binnie from Via along with Cllr Clarke MBE visiting Miss Jones’s Year 4 Elm Class at Radcliffe on Trent Primary School