The Nottinghamshire Local Account is the County Council’s Adult Social Care Strategy, which describes what has gone well, as well as things that need to be improved for the people who draw on care and support. The Local Account sets out the Adult Social Care priorities during 2024 and was developed with the Our Voice Co-production group and staff. It is based on what local people said was important to them during the Big Conversation which took place in 2023.

Progress against the Local Account priorities has been mapped by identifying where things are going well and areas which would benefit from further improvement. This has led to the development of the Local Account Progress Report.

The progress report sets out the development against the six themes of the Local Account, and examines the actions taken, the impact this has had on people and sets out any actions to be carried out next.  It also features stories from people who draw on care and support.

Some highlights from the progress report include:

  • More people are now going home directly from hospital, with 97% of people supported with hospital discharge care.

  • Our Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Survey this year showed us that 82% of people felt more independent, 69% of people said TEC made it less likely they would require residential care or be admitted to hospital, 89% of carers said TEC had reduced anxiety and stress.

  • During 2023/24, the number of people supported to access further education, employment or volunteering increased by 48% from 363 to 756 people.

  • Our Maximising Independence Service has increased the number of people they are able to support and exceeded their target, supporting over 2000 people.

  • Our Housing Commissioning Team has been working with a development partner to develop housing for people with disabilities, which will have wheelchair accessible ground floor flats, staff quarters, outside space and parking. We expect the 61 flats to be completed in the summer.

  • We are preparing to offer free bus and tram travel to young carers aged under 19. This scheme, initially available until March 2026, will be managed by the Young Carers Notts and Carers Hub services.

Councillor Jonathan Wheeler, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care said:

“We know that everyone’s experience of social care is different, and the system can sometimes feel complicated. Our Local Account responded to this and is based on what people told us they wanted to enable them to find the information and services they need more easily.

“To make sure that the commitments made in the Local Account stayed on track, the Local Account Progress Report measures what progress has been made against the Local Account priorities for 2024.

“I’m pleased that good progress has been made against the priorities and people who draw on care and support have been able to see the difference. People have told us what has worked better for them. However, we’re not complacent and are working on further areas where things need to change, to give people the best possible experience of using Adult Social Care services.”

One person who has received support from Adult Social Care, said:

“I would like to extend this opportunity to show my appreciation for the wonderful support that I have received under Veronica and Teresa. They have gone above and beyond to help me through a very difficult time of my life. They are without a doubt the best your team has to offer. They have helped me back into employment, assisted me with my finances, provided me with very useful information with regards to education, provided me with food vouchers, assisted with improving my health, and they have also helped me get the ball rolling to move homes. I am greatly grateful to have had the opportunity for their support, and with any luck I can continue to progress towards finical stability, university, and a career in the healthcare sector.”

Further Big Conversation listening events are being planned to take place this summer to gather people’s views. The feedback from these events will be used to develop an updated Local Account and the priorities for 2026.

The Local Account Progress Report can be found on the Council’s website Adult Social Care Local Account | Nottinghamshire County Council.