A Nottinghamshire County Council report has confirmed that no RAAC  (reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete) has been identified to date in any of the schools it is responsible for maintaining, nor in any of the public buildings it oversees.  It comes as part of a wider report summarising the council’s actions taken off the back of Government guidance issued in August.

Councillor Keith Girling, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Asset Management commented, 

“The safety of our school buildings is vital and so this report is yet another way we want to be transparent about the range of survey work we have carried out behind the scenes working with our maintained schools, in line with government guidance.”

Holy Trinity primary school in Newark, which is managed by Our Lady of Lourdes Multi Academy Trust, is the only academy in the county to identify  RAAC on its site.  The Trust is working closely with their Department for Education case officer to manage the situation and have been offered ongoing support from the county council.

The council will continue to monitor the results of any outstanding surveys and support both maintained and academy schools where required.

The full report is here: Decision Details: Council Response to Concerns over RAAC in Buildings (nottinghamshire.gov.uk)