A pilot scheme helping electric vehicle owners in Nottinghamshire charge at home was in the spotlight this week.
Transport Minister for Technology and Decarbonisation, Anthony Browne MP, visited the county to see first-hand how the Kerbo Charge units installed as part of the Electric Vehicle Charging Cable (EVCC) pilot are helping residents who own EVs but don’t have access to off-street parking, charge their vehicles at home.
He was joined by Ben Bradley MP, Leader of Nottinghamshire County Council, Rushcliffe MP Ruth Edwards and Councillor Neil Clarke MBE, Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment at Nottinghamshire County Council, as they met a local resident to see the difference the trial has been making.
The Kerbo Charge units, installed through the EVCC scheme, provide a simple solution to allow EV charging cables to be run safely across the pavement without causing a trip hazard. They allow residents to access the convenience and benefits of home charging, including lower cost electricity compared to public charging.
Ben Bradley MP said: “It’s been great to see this EV charging solution in action today and talk to Alison, a resident who says that it has changed her life. That’s what we’re working to do. To help residents with solutions and support that makes a difference.
“We've been working with colleagues at Via East Midlands and Kerbo Charge to roll-out these channels, which are a really simple solution that stops wires trailing across the pavement and keeps things safe and convenient.
“Government funding is supporting the delivery of this infrastructure, which helps us to meet our objectives here too. Supporting the national rollout of charging infrastructure, helping residents save money, and meeting our environmental objectives.”
Councillor Neil Clarke MBE added: “Through initiatives like the EVCCl Pilot Programme and improving local electric vehicle infrastructure, we’re working hard to help residents without off-street parking, along with road users in Nottinghamshire, to charge their electric vehicles.
“We’re looking to install more across the County and urge any residents who own an electric vehicle but doesn’t benefit from off-street parking to sign-up.”
Ruth Edwards added: “As an EV user myself, I know how important it is to have convenient charge point for EVs and the problems drivers face in their absence.
“It’s great to see how Nottinghamshire County Council’s on-street charging pilot is benefitting residents and to hear about the Government’s announcement today to increase the number of chargers installed at schools.
“I’ve championed the roll-out of electric vehicles since I was elected, we’ll only achieve it through convenient, reliable and easily accessible charging and it’s great to progress on this both across the country and here in Rushcliffe.”
Residents living within Nottinghamshire who have an EV or are planning to get one, and have no access to off-street parking, are being asked to apply to the scheme.
To find out if you’re eligible for a cable channel to be installed free of charge, fill out our simple form at www.viaem.co.uk/evcc