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You are Nott Alone! Young people help develop mental health and wellbeing website for young people across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire

Nott Alone is here! The new website offering local mental health advice and help for young people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, all in one place.

A new website developed with input from and aiming to help young people with mental health issues has been launched in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

NottAlone brings a range of local mental health advice and help for young people together in one place.

The site has been developed by young people, parents, carers and professionals from Nottinghamshire County Council, Nottingham City Council, NHS trusts and other local partners.

There are dedicated sections for young people looking for help and guidance, parents and carers who may have concerns, and also professionals who work with children and young people.

It aims to offer a range of information, practical advice and signpost to support services that are available so that young people can get the help they need at the right time.

The site also covers a range of mental health needs including anxiety, bullying, eating problems, bereavement, low mood and self-esteem, and more.

Twenty-year-old Luke, one of the young people involved in the development of the new website, commented: “I was involved in giving ideas on what can be included on the NottAlone website as well as making sure the final design aligned with our original goals of an accessible database about mental health. I believe the website will have a huge impact on making knowledge of mental health much more accessible, not only for young people but for carers of young people as well. The website is designed to be simple and intuitive in improving accessibility for all.”

Councillor Tracey Taylor, Chairman of Nottinghamshire County Council’s Children and Young People’s committee, said: “With so many contributors, including local young people, the NottAlone resource reflects a truly multi-partner approach to supporting the emotional wellbeing of our children and young people.

“This site means that young people can now easily find advice about issues they might be worried about and find local mental health support when they need it. We hope it will make a real difference to young people and their families in the community.”

Nottingham City Council’s Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People, Councillor Cheryl Barnard, said: “NottAlone has been made possible by increased partnership working across Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County mental health services to make sure young people and families get the information, help and support they need.

“Young people report increasing worries and concerns about their own and friends’ mental health and the need for easy access to information and support. NottAlone has launched at a crucial time, when many young people continue to be faced with uncertainty as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.”

Dr Julie Attfield, Executive Director of Mental Health, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, said: “The NottAlone website is a fantastic resource for young people, carers and professionals and we are delighted to be a partner in this project. Having easily accessibly information and advice for mental health support all in one place, and knowing where to get help if it’s needed is so important, and this website offers just that. We hope it will help many young people and their families to get the support they need.”

We encourage young people, families and professionals working with young people to visit and to help spread the word.