Nottinghamshire Schools Portal

Recycle for Nottinghamshire Education

Recycle for Nottinghamshire Education


Nottinghamshire County Council working in partnership with Veolia can offer visits to the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) in Mansfield. These visits, run by Veolia, offer an insight into waste and recycling as pupils discover first hand what happens to their recyclable waste after it has been put in the recycling bin. Visits to the MRF include a tour around the operational site.

MRF visits provide a range of fun and interactive teaching sessions and are offered to schools free of charge.

"We were very impressed with the visit. It was well organised, interesting and the children were very engaged." - Hawthorne Primary & Nursery School: MRF Visit. 

Please contact us for more information and to see the benefits to your school.

Recycle for Nottinghamshire Education Contact

Materials Recovery Facility visits:

Lesley Taylor
0203 567 4391 / 07900 197556

Services For Schools