Nottinghamshire Schools Portal

Education Appeals - Admissions and Exclusions

Education Appeals - Admissions and Exclusions

Is your school its own admission authority?  If so it is your schools' responsibility to arrange an independent appeals process for admissions and exclusions reviews.  NCC can arrange these appeals for you.  We have a long track record of successfully arranging and clerking admission appeals and exclusion review in a completely independent manner, ensuring all statutory requirements are met. 

By using our services, you do not need to go to the trouble of recruiting, appointing and training independent appeal panel members and clerks; we deal with all the necessary arrangements for appeals in-line with the current statutory requirements.

Charges will only be incurred for any appeals logged, therefore you can agree to use our services even if your school has yet to receive any appeals, giving you peace of mind that we can respond within the required timescales when called upon.

For those academies who are arranging their own admission appeals, we can also offer initial and refresher training packages for governors, panel members / chairs and clerks (subject to further discussions about your specific needs).

What we offer

  • Legally required information to publish on your school's website. 
  • Organisation of all aspects of appeals, including venues and refreshments, as appropriate
  • We can receive appeals and act as the initial point of contact and an independent source of information for appellants
  • Genuinely independent and fully trained clerks and panel members, in-line with statutory requirements
  • Support and advice (at cost price) in responding to any enquiries and investigations by the Local Government Ombudsman and the Department for Education (DfE).
  • A translation and interpretation service (at cost price) to enable you to fulfil your obligations to any appellants requiring such services.

Utilising this service means there'll be no need to worry about the practical and logistical difficulties faced in organising and hearing appeals within the relevant deadlines. We can act as the main point of contact for appellants, enabling you to concentrate your efforts and resources on your existing pupils on roll.

By choosing our service, you do not need to place expensive advertisements for panel members and provide independent training. You can access a large pool of experienced and genuinely independent appeal panel members, with all necessary training provided by the County Council and nationally recognised independent trainers.

For those academies who are arranging their own appeals we can also offer admission appeals training packages tailored to your own specific needs.

Package Costs

Admission appeals are charged at a set cost, contact us for further information.

Translations/interpretations and input into Ombudsman/DfE investigations are charged at cost price. Non-County Council venues will also be charged at cost price.

Exclusions fees are charged at cost price – contact us for further information.

Buy This Service

Education Appeals - Admissions and Exclusions Contact

Sarah Davies
0115 977 3887

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