Nottinghamshire Schools Portal

Education Improvement Service
The Education Improvement Service is committed to promoting the highest standards of pupil attainment and progress through the development of schools and other educational settings. We are particularly focused on developing high quality, strategic leadership, teaching and learning and on closing the gap for vulnerable groups.
Our team of expert educationalists provide a core offer to any maintained school judged to be less than good by Ofsted or at risk of not being judged as good at their next inspection. We provide school improvement support for all maintained schools and academies through our traded offer as part of The East Midlands Education Support Service. Through these offers, we aim to ensure all Nottinghamshire pupils receive a good education and live in a country where children are safe, happy and healthy, where everyone enjoys a good quality of life and can achieve their potential.
Our service includes:
- Promoting a school led improvement system throughout partnerships working between schools
- Induction programmes for headteachers, deputy and assistant headteacher
- Senior leadership briefings and conferences
- Conferences, training and resources to support wellbeing of the headteacher and staff
- Support for inspection and self-evaluation including making sense of your data
- Managing appraisal, performance related pay and capability, including brokering monitoring officer support
- Quality assurance for good and outstanding schools including leadership and management reviews
Improving Educational Outcomes for All
- Achievement and Equality team support for BME and EAL pupils
- Conferences, Pupil Premium reviews, toolkit of materials to support self evaluation and action planning
- Bespoke locality based Improving Educational Outcomes for All collaborations
- English and literacy developments including 'Every Child a Reader', 'Switch-on', reading / writing and 'Talking to Learn' speech and language projects
- Support for looked after children from the Virtual School coordinator and team
Teaching, learning and assessment
- Support for assessment including moderation and monitoring of schools' statutory duties
- Subject/themed networks and courses including Early Years
- Provide a range of training and support packages to develop reading in schools
Newly qualified teachers
Nottinghamshire County Council is an appropriate body for NQT accreditation and we offer:
- NQT Registration and Assessments
- Access to The Essential Guide to NQT Induction Event (1 Full Day)
- Access to an online system which enables the monitoring of NQT progress
- Data submission to the National College for Teaching and Leadership
The service enables you to further develop your leaders’ and teachers’ skills, knowledge and understanding of effective leadership and innovative practice. It offers extensive support for all leaders, including governors and teachers to contribute to closing the educational gap for vulnerable pupils.
For more information about our range of central programmes, conference and development activities to support self-improvement at individual, team and school levels and to view the range of CPD training opportunities visit our website
Education Improvement Service Contact
East Midlands Education Support Team
0115 8040129
Liz Kitts, Education Improvement Adviser
0115 804 0129
Services For Schools
- 0300 500 80 80