Nottinghamshire Schools Portal

FFT Aspire Service

This service will no longer be available to purchase from Nottinghamshire County Council from1 April 2025.

The LA will no longer be purchasing a subscription from FFT for Nottinghamshire schools going forward and, should schools wish to continue to access the service from 1st April 2025, they will need to purchase a subscription with FFT directly. Your service will be unaffected up to this point. 

FFT will be contacting schools in the coming weeks to discuss subscription options. In the meantime should you wish to contact FFT directly their details are


What is FFT Aspire?

FFT Aspire is a comprehensive online reporting and data analysis tool which is widely used by schools, academy trusts, LAs and government to analyse performance and improve educational outcomes. It encompasses target-setting, self-evaluation and collaboration, making use of statistical models developed by researchers in FFT's Education Datalab.


  • Reports and dashboards for schools, governors and academy trusts
  • Benchmark school and academy trust performance
  • Monitor and track progress for current pupils
  • Compare performance to partnering schools using the Collaborate reports
  • Measure value-added pupil progress in all subjects
  • Weekly national comparative attendance reporting
  • Links directly to your school’s MIS to synchronise data
  • Contact the LA or direct access to FFT’s support team for support queries


  • Identify strengths and areas for improvement in your school
  • Estimates of future performance for pupils helping to set challenging and aspirational targets
  • Dashboard reports analysing school performance
  • Analyse data for pupil, school and school groups (using the Collaborate feature)
  • Analyse performance for a range of pupil characteristics (FSM, SEN, etc.)
  • Value-added analysis of education performance (results and pupil progress)
  • Data is synchronised from school MIS with FFT's national datasets

Please visit for more information.

FFT Aspire Service Contact

FFT Aspire 

Services For Schools