Nottinghamshire Schools Portal

Emotionally based school attendance

The school’s response to supporting attendance will include considering emotionally based school avoidance support.  Both the Education Psychology Service and Health Related Education Team have developed guidance and resources for schools to use.

The Department for Education provides guidance to schools on supporting pupils with mental health issues affecting a pupil's attendance.

Guidance is also available to schools through the East Midlands Education Support service in relation to Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) including Anxiety Related Non-attendance

The Education Psychology Service have developed a graduated response Guidance to Schools: A Graduated Response to school Non-Attendance document.

The Attend Framework supports schools to structure meetings and interventions when working with a family toward better attendance. Schools may be asked to evidence how they have considered the use of the ATTEND framework before making referrals to the local authority which are only requesting legal action.

If your school is not familiar with the Attend Strategy please see a recording of ATTEND Strategy Briefing.

The Education Psychology Service have developed a collection of resources (EBSA Padlet) intended to support families and schools in their work together to increase attendance for individual pupils when dealing with EBSA (Emotionally-Based School Avoidance)

The Health-Related Education Team provides guidance for schools on Supporting Pupils with Emotionally Based School Avoidance as they return to education following a period away due to ill-health.



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