Nottinghamshire Schools Portal
Reasonable intervention expectations of schools
Support before Legal intervention. Schools are expected to:
- Proactively use data to identify pupils at risk of poor attendance.
- Work with each identified pupil and their parents to understand and address the reasons for absence, including any in-school barriers to attendance.
- Where out of school barriers are identified, signpost and support access to any required services in the first instance.
- If the issue persists, take an active part in the multi-agency effort with the local authority and other partners. Act as the lead practitioner where all partners agree that the school is the best placed lead service. Where the lead practitioner is outside of the school, continue to work with the local authority and partners.
The Department for Education guidance makes clear the expectation that where absence is persistent or severe, support should be provided to the pupil and their family before legal measures and started. A key element of the new statutory guidance is the Support First Principle.
It is important when schools are considering referrals to the Family Service for prosecution through the Magistrate’s court, they are confident that all reasonable support has been offered to the family first. This can be from the school directly or by making referrals to relevant support services. The local authority will always need to take this into account as part of the evidence required to determine whether a prosecution under s441 or s441a of the Education Act is fair, proportionate And in the public interest.
- Examples of evidence of support include:
- Record of Home Visits
- Evidence of referrals for support to other agencies,
- Letters to parents,
- In school meetings with parents,
- Evidence of Reasonable Adjustments,
- Attendance panel meeting notes,
- Chronology of contact with the family,
- Copy of a Parenting or Improving Attendance Contract or multi-agency support plan.
Details of local support services are available
Services For Schools
- 0300 500 80 80