NCC Procurement
The Nottinghamshire County Council procurement team is an award winning centralised function following a category management approach. This means all procurement activity is conducted within the one central team ensuring suppliers receive a consistent approach. The procurement team is organised into categories which allows team members to have expertise in specific areas and therefore really understand the requirements of the council and the supplier diversity.
The 4 categories within the procurement align with the departments of the council, they are:
- Adults Social Care and Health
- Children's, Families and Cultural Services
- Chief Executive
- Place
The team recently won a Go Award for innovation of the year, the procurement team made innovative use of the competitive dialogue process to select a provider with the right culture and approach to deliver an innovative rapid response home care service. The Council’s innovation was recognised by the award of Highly Commended in the Innovation of the Year category at the UK National GO Awards 2020
At Nottinghamshire County Council we spend approximately £620 million each year with external providers and therefore the need for great procurement supported by commissioning has never been greater.
Nottinghamshire County Council procurement is considered transparent and fair when conducting business with suppliers and contractors. The aim is to give all interested parties an opportunity to tender on equal terms and aim to encourage a diverse range of companies to do business with us.
These are the types of contractors and suppliers that we do business with:
- international and UK companies
- SMEs (small and medium enterprises) - businesses employing 250 people or less
- social enterprises
- voluntary and community organisations
- we work with a number of local businesses to set up employment opportunities for people with disabilities [PDF]
We've put together some useful information for contractors and suppliers to explain our procurement process.