Before you get in touch with us you may find what you are looking for online. Below are some of our most popular services.
Apply for a badge, send us supporting evidence and find out how the scheme works using the Blue Badge hub.
Report a problem on a road or pavement.
Apply for a bus pass, plan a journey and get local bus timetables.
Dispose of your household waste responsibly using our waste and recycling services.
Find out when and how to apply for your child’s school place.
Pay a fine and find out more about parking enforcement in Nottinghamshire.
Your feedback is important to us. Let us know how we’re doing.
Information about registering a birth, death, marriage, civil partnership, copy certificates, citizenships and more.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact our customer service team for help.
You can browse all services from our home page or select ‘Get in touch with us’ above to contact us.
Send an enquiry to our customer service team.
Easy access to Council services while you're on the move.
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