Council property to let and for sale

The council has a significant property portfolio, owning more than 900 buildings with development land holdings exceeding 330 hectares. These buildings support the delivery of the Council’s corporate services and objectives.

There are opportunities to buy or rent land and premises, increasingly buildings which are deemed surplus to requirements.

Almost all properties are bought and sold on the open market - compulsory purchases are very rare. Our in-house team of property specialists are responsible for all aspects of property management, from purchase through to ongoing maintenance.


These particulars do not constitute an offer or a contract, nor constitute any part of an offer or contract. All statements contained in these particulars are made without responsibility on the part of the County Council.

None of the statements contained in these particulars as to the property are to be relied upon as respresentations of fact. Prospective purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars.

The location plan in these particulars is to enable to prospective purchasers to locate the property only. The plan is not extended to depict the extent of interest to be sold and is expressly excluded from the contract.

The County Council does not make or give any representations or warranty whatsoever in respect of the property.

Properties to let and for sale

No properties currently to let or for sale.

Name of property/land Photo Description Type