Other information about adult social care

Local Account

The Local Account is our new Adult Social Care Strategy, a follow-on to the Big Conversation events in 2023. To find out how the Local Account was co-produced, the social care priorities we will be focussing on during 2024, real stories, insights and what matters to local people, visit the Local Account page.

Quality Assurance Framework

Our Adult Social Care and Health Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) shows how we will check the quality of the social care we are delivering. To find more information on the QAF, how it was co-produced and the Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) Making It Real statements that sit at the heart of the framework, visit the QAF page.

Safeguarding adults

The Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board is a partnership of agencies, including the police, local authorities and health services, who work together to help adults who may have been abused and to help prevent adults being abused. Find out more about adult abuse and how to report it.

Inspections and ratings

All our services are inspected by the Care Quality Commission. You can find information about inspections and ratings for services including short breaks and START.

Careers in social care

We are recruiting to a range of social care posts including community care officers, social workers and occupational therapists.

The D2N2 teaching partnership aims to improve the quality of social work training in the region.

The D2N2 health and wellbeing hub provides support and advice to social care practitioners around key issues such as mental health.

Social care publications

Explore our social care publications directory of factsheets and leaflets. Use the drop-down category selector to help you in your search.

Social care publications are also available in Easy Read formats

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) provide protection for vulnerable people in hospital or a care home, in circumstances that amount to deprivation of their liberty and lack the capacity to consent to the care or treatment they need. To find out more about DoLS, reviews and the Court of Protection, visit the DoLS page

Market Position Statement

Our Market Position Statement provides commissioning partners and existing and potential providers an understanding of the social care market in Nottinghamshire.

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