Fees and reviews

In the sections below you will find information on fees and payments for providers of adult social care and support services.

The budget for 2025/26 is currently being considered, taking into account the ongoing financial pressures for the authority and the impact of cost increases including changes to the National Living Wage for provider services. Our elected Members intend to agree the budget for the forthcoming year in February 2025.

Providers will be notified of any changes to fees as soon as possible after this decision has been reached. It is not possible for the Adult Social Care department to respond to individual provider requests for annual fee reviews until the budget decision has been confirmed.

Here is the link to the committee paper that sets out the agreed annual fee uplifts for 2024/25.

Overview of Agreed Uplift

Ageing Well Care Homes:

Care Home Banding Proposed Fee 2024/25 Care Home Proposed Fee 2024/25 Care Home including DQM Payment** Proposed Fee 2024/25 *Nursing care Proposed Fee 2024/25 *Nursing care including DQM Payment
Band 2 £694 £766 £777 £838
Band 3 £737 £805 £818 £882
Band 4 £754 £821 £836 £899
Band 5 £776 £845 £861 £919

Living Well Care Homes (see Review Process)

It is proposed that a 6.86% increase is applied to all Living Well in-county and out of county care home fees to cover the increase in the National Living Wage, except in the following circumstances, where the uplift will be decided on an individual basis:

a. packages negotiated in the three months prior to this Cabinet decision. For these packages an uplift will not be automatically applied as the fees will reflect up to date costings. Where this is not the case, providers can contact the Adult Social Care department with the appropriate evidence that an uplift is required in order to meet the National Living Wage requirements.

b. packages over £1,500 per week. For these packages an uplift will not be automatically applied as fees should already be covering an enhanced pay level for the staff required to deliver these specialist services. Where this is not the case, providers can contact the Adult Social Care department

with the appropriate evidence that an uplift is required in order to meet the National Living Wage requirements.

Homecare, Extra Care (Housing with Care) and Supported Living

For the 2024/25 year, applying the increase in National Living Wage, it is proposed that a 7.00% increase is applied to:

(a) ‘Lead’, ‘Additional’ ‘Supplementary’, Spot and DPS contracted home-based care

(b) Supported Living rates (standard, enhanced and non-standard packages)

(c) Supported living sleep ins

(d) Extra care providers.

Day Care

Applying the increase in National Living wage, it is proposed that a 7.67% increase is applied to all externally commissioned day services covering direct and indirect costs. The table below outlines the proposed weekly fee levels to be applied from April 2024:

Complex needs £46.84 per session
High level needs £24.16 per session
Medium level needs £17.11 per session
Low level needs £11.79 per session
1:1 support £15.06 per hour
2:1 support £30.12 per hour

Direct Payments

Care contracted through a direct payment will not be automatically uplifted. Please contact the Direct Payment holder if you require a review of your rates.

For Living Well Care Homes an automatic uplift has been agreed for individual costs that are below £1500 per week. In instances where fee levels exceed £1500 per week, providers can submit evidence that an uplift is required to meet the National Living Wage requirements, which the council will review. To submit this information, providers can:

Please note, any uplifts awarded via this process will not exceed the 6.86% increase, as per the cabinet decision.

Due to a high volume of requests and budgeting purposes, individual requests to review uplift requests must be made before Monday 29 April 2024 at 5pm. We anticipate you will be notified of the review outcome within 10 full working days of submission.

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