Get involved

Co-chair of Our Voice, Ed Lowe, describes what being involved in co-production is all about in this video.

Ways to get involved

There are many ways to get involved in co-production.

Stay updated

Sign up to receive the Better Together bulletin. Our regular update about co-production and how people are working together to make adult social care better.

Read our most recent Better Together bulletin

Join Our Voice

Get involved with Our Voice by contacting the co-production group to arrange a conversation about your interests and experience with adult social care. Email

"I joined Our Voice because co-production is a radical way of working which is empowering for those who use services. It is the best way of working for everyone."   
Alyson (carer with lived experience)

Join a listening space

Come along to a listening space and share your experiences of adult social care. Details of the next listening space will be added here as soon as they are available.

Join a project

Get involved in or share your thoughts about one of our co-production projects.

"I joined a project to make the council's information about direct payments easier for everyone to understand as it wasn't. I worked with staff and other people designing new factsheets and a webpage. I felt my opinions were heard and taken on board, and I learnt a lot too. Now I feel very empowered and want to do more." 
Ami (person with lived experience)

Join Carers Space Notts

Carers Space Notts co-design information sessions for carers, share information about things that are happening across the county for carers and how you can get involved. Read about how they started on our stories page.

“My mum really enjoyed your information session because it was virtual and she could see people who she believed were talking directly to her instead of her reading from a leaflet.”
Steph (carer with lived experience)

Join POhWER co-production group

POhWER facilitate a monthly co-production group open to adults in receipt of adult social care or health services. Participants share a meal and catch up before hearing from a variety of guests seeking their input and involvement in research, projects, interviews, and general feedback. For more information email Gill at or phone 07580 840849.

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