Maximising Independence Service
The Maximising Independence Service (formerly known as the Notts Enabling Service) aims to improve your independence.
We agree goals that work to your strengths and develop a plan to improve your life skills and confidence.
Our Promoting Independence Worker will work with you on your goals for up to 12 weeks.
This is a free service that can help you with:
- travelling around independently: using public transport and staying safe
- improving skills in the home: managing household routines and cooking
- finding new social opportunities: finding local groups and activities
- finding work: looking for voluntary or paid work or signposting you to more specialist employment support
- budgeting: learning about money, organising and paying bills and making your money last
- keeping well: looking after yourself and improving your confidence.
This service is available for adults with social care needs regardless of age or disability, including young people who are approaching adulthood.
Contact the Maximising Independence Service
To get in touch with the Maximising Independence Service contact our Customer Service Centre.
How people have benefited from the service
Main video