The neurodevelopmental assessment pathway and support guidance
Welcome to our neurodevelopmental support guidance. This guidance has been developed in partnership between health, education and children’s services.
The guidance is based on NICE guidelines and is built around a graduated approach to providing support to young people with additional needs.
For more information about the neurodevelopmental support team pathway please refer to the link below:
Referrals can be made using an online referral form within the MOSAIC Portal.
If you do not already have a MOSAIC portal account, you can request an account by visiting: Professional portal account request
Guidance on how to set up a portal account can be found below:
If you already have a MOSAIC portal account you can log in to submit a referral through the following link: MOSAIC portal Home
Please email with any queries regarding Neurodevelopmental Assessment Pathway referrals.
SEND Local Offer
There is more information about the SEND Local Offer and the support available for children, young people and families in Nottinghamshire with a special educational need and/or disability on NottsHelpYourself | SEND Local Offer
This includes information about support for young people in an educational setting. You can find out more about this by visiting: Nottshelpyourself | SEND Local Offer - Education
Bassetlaw General Developmental Assessment pathway
Information about the Bassetlaw General Developmental Assessment (GDA) pathway is available at the link below:
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Referral Pathways
The documents linked below provide additional information on the referral pathways for specific teams:
- Behavioural and Emotional Health Team (BEH) – Nottingham City [PDF]
- Community Paediatrics Team – South Nottingham County and Nottingham City [PDF]
- Community Paediatrics Team – Sherwood Forest Hospital [PDF]
Right to Choose Guidance
The 'Right to Choose' allows families to pick a healthcare provider for their child's ADHD or Autism assessment. The document below provides more details about how 'Right to Choose' works and what parents should take into consideration if they are thinking about exercising their right to choose: