Victims and restorative justice
All victims of a crime committed by a young person under the age of 18 should be asked by the police if they consent to the youth justice service contacting them to offer them the chance to participate in a restorative process.
Nottinghamshire youth justice service works alongside Remedi which provides specially trained restorative justice practitioners to offer victims of crime the opportunity to participate in a restorative process or even just to keep them informed about to the young person’s progress.
Restorative justice provides opportunities for those directly affected by an offence (victim, young person who has committed the offence, and members of the community) to communicate through a restorative process and agree how to deal with the offence and its consequences.
If you have been a victim of youth crime and believe you should have been contacted by the youth justice service please contact the duty number: 0115 804 2888.