Early years education and childcare training

Our aim is to support you, to help you make a difference for children, young people and their families, improve outcomes for children, and develop high quality, inclusive and safe early education and childcare provision.

Please note that as of 1 April 2022 all the safeguarding courses offered on this page will be free of charge to Nottinghamshire Early Years Providers. This will be reviewed on a yearly basis. 

Featured Training: Supporting The Emotional Wellbeing of ChildrenWho can attend?

The training below is open to practitioners who work in all early years provision in Nottinghamshire. Practitioners working outside the Nottinghamshire are welcome to attend.

We ask that applicants hold dates in their diary at the point of application. To book on an event, click on the event title and then the Eventbrite link. Confirmation of your booking will be sent immediately to your email address.

Please do not show up at an event if you have not booked a place and received a confirmation letter or ticket, unless you are replacing a colleague.

Waiting lists are available for all Early Years courses on Eventbrite.

If the course is full, please add your details onto the waiting list. Once a space becomes available you will receive an email.

You will then have one day to apply for the course, if you do not apply within 24 hours you will lose your place.

We know that you as Early Years providers are committed to the continuing professional development of your staff and take up the offer of both paid for and free training through the Early Years Education and Childcare training page.  Over the last couple of years, we have seen an increase in non-attendance at our free courses. Whilst we are aware of the pressures that the sector is currently facing in recruitment and retention, we often have a waiting list of providers for these courses. To address this,

If you fail to attend a course that you have paid for without cancelling on Eventbrite 24 hours before the course takes place, or in exceptional circumstances by phone on the day of the course, then you will not be entitled to a refund for the course.

If you fail to attend a course that is free without cancelling on Eventbrite 24 hours before the course takes place, or in exceptional circumstances by phone on the day of the course, then the following will apply.

After the first course that you fail to attend you will receive an email from Early Childhood services and if you fail to attend another course within a 6-month period without letting us know you will be invoiced for a non-attendance fee of £50. Where a setting is part of a group of settings this will be applied to each individual setting not to the group.

Any queries regarding this please contact Early Childhood services earlychildhoodservices@nottscc.gov.uk

Our expert team of Early Years Specialist Teachers and Early Years Advisors are able to offer training to settings on a broad range of topics in support of raising the quality of provision and the attainment of children aged 0-5 years.

Please contact us by email at earlychildhoodservices@nottscc.gov.uk  for more information and to book in-house training. Costs for in-house training will be based on:

  • £175 for up to 8 staff, plus
  • £15 per additional participant up to a maximum charge of £400

Should you have any other training needs that our current training programme does not cover, please contact us by emailing earlychildhoodservices@nottscc.gov.uk and we would be happy to discuss this with you.

 Most of our courses have a charge. The charges vary and are outlined in the details of the individual event. Payment for all courses is by using a debit/credit card at the time of booking. Fees will be non-refundable in the event of non-attendance or late cancellation.

The following costs apply to all of our training courses:

  • Early years providers, including childminders online courses: £15.00
  • Early years providers, including childminders face-to-face courses: £30.00

Online training provided by an external facilitator may be charged at a higher cost.

The charge for each course is outlined in the details of the individual event to which it applies. Courses are payable by credit or debit card at the time of booking. Please follow the instructions on Eventbrite. Invoices will not be sent for these courses.

Training courses

Please click on the course title for more information, or to book.


Course Title

Target Audience


Applying for Early Years Inclusion Funding

Owners / Managers and SENCo’s

1/05/2025 (Online) 24/07/2025 (Online)

Babies: Getting it Right

All Early Years
Settings in Notts

19/06/25 (Online) AND 26/06/25 (Arnold)

Two-Part Course

Childminder Briefing (WellComm Toolkit)


1/04/2025 (Online)

DSL Networks

All Early Years
Settings in Notts

11/06/2025 (North) 12/06/2025 (Online) 16/06/2025 (Online) 17/06/2025 (South)

Early Years SENDCo Networks

SENDCOs in EY Settings

1/04/2025 (Rushcliffe) 1/04/2025 (Mansfield) 4/04/2025 (Gedling)  25/04/25 (Newark)  30/06/25 (Gedling)      8/07/25   (Bassetlaw)

Getting it Right for Children with Repetitive Behaviours

All Early Years
Settings in Notts

13/06/2025 AND 20/06/2025 (Online)

Introduction to Safeguarding

All Early Years
Settings in Notts

6/05/2025 (Mansfield)

Language Lead Network

Language Leads

 31/03/2025 (Killisick)

New to the Role of DSL


28/04/2025 (Online)

New to the Role of the SENDCo

New SENDCos and Childminders

30/04/2025 (Arnold)

Paediatric First Aid

All Early Years
Settings in Notts

2/06/2025  &      9/06/2025 (Mansfield)

Promoting Positive Behaviour through Emotion Coaching

All Early Years
Settings in Notts

6/05/2025 (Hawtonville)

Provider Networks

All Early Years
Settings in Notts

20/05/2025 (Face to Face)  21/05/2025 (Online) 22/05/2025 (Online)

Safeguarding Refresher

All Early Years Workforce

23/06/2025 (Mansfield)

Striving for Excellence in Early Years SEND

Experienced Early Years SENDCos

 5/06/2025 (Online)

Supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of children in the Early Years

Early Years Providers in PVI settings

26/03/2025 & 2/04/2025 (Online)

24/04/2025 & 8/05/2025 (Rushcliffe)

25/04/2025 & 9/05/2025 (Mansfield)

29/04/2025 & 13/05/2025 (Online)

30/04/2025 & 14/05/2025 (Online)

16/05/2025 & 6/06/2025 (Online)

9/06/2025 & 30/06/2025 (Online)

10/06/2025 & 24/06/2025 (Online)

11/06/2025 & 25/06/2025 (Mansfield)

Supporting the Speech, Language and Communication Needs of Children using the Well Comm Toolkit

PVI Language Leads

8/05/2025 (Hawtonville) 12/06/2025 (Arnold)

Time to Talk SEND

All early years workforce

19/06/2025 (Online) 17/09/2025 (Online) 19/01/2026 (Online)

Each is on a different topic

Understanding and Responding to Distress Where There's a Possible Need for Physical Intervention

All early years workforce

15/05/2025 (Arnold)


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