
You need to register to vote and be listed on the electoral register to vote in local, general or European elections or referendums.

You can register to vote or update your details on the electoral register through the national GOV.UK website. It takes around five minutes. 

If you want to check whether you are on the electoral register, or if you are not registered, you need to contact the electoral registration officer at the main district council office which serves the area where you live. You can find out who is your local council on the GOV.UK website.

Voter ID

In 2023 the UK Government introduced a requirement for voters to show photo ID when voting at a polling station at some elections. This new requirement was applied for the first time in England at the local elections on 4 May 2023. The Electoral Commission has created a guide on the introduction of Voter ID.

How and where to vote 

At a polling station

Before an election you will usually receive a polling card which will tell you where to vote. If you are not sure about which is your polling station contact your district council.

Postal voting

Anyone who is registered to vote can apply for a postal vote.

If you want to vote by post:

If you register to vote by post you will receive a postal vote pack shortly before an election. The pack will include your ballot paper, an envelope for the ballot paper and a statement which you need to sign and return.

Proxy voting

If you cannot attend the polling station you can appoint someone else to vote on your behalf – a proxy. If you want to nominate a proxy you have to complete a form and return it to your local elections office. Contact your district council for details.

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