
Discovering and protecting the past

Excavations at Rufford Abbey July 2014There are many sites of archaeological interest in Nottinghamshire of all periods, from the Palaeolithic (Stone Age) to World War II, and of all types from single finds to large industrial complexes.

The county's heritage assets are all recorded in the Historic Environment Record.

Advice and assistance

We are responsible for looking after archaeological sites and can provide:

  • advice to local authorities, developers, land owners, agencies and local people in connection with projects of all types, from digging ponds to large road building schemes
  • help with research projects and advice on legal and planning aspects of archaeology
  • assistance with projects such as display boards and events, advice on good practice in fieldwork and help with information on sources of funding.

We liaise with other organisations and groups to protect and promote archaeology in the County, by involvement in conservation and interpretation. 

If you are a metal detectorist and would like advice or to report your findings, please refer to the Portable Antiquities Scheme.

Contact us

If you need advice about the care and management of archaeological sites, or if you've discovered an archaeological object or site, please get in touch and we'll try to help you.

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