< Back to: Early Years and Schools Forum meetings
6th December 2018
- Agenda Item 4d - SF Early Years Centrally Retained Funding.pdf
- Annex A.pdf
- Appendix A Financial Models.xlsx
- 2019-20 Early Years Local Funding Formula Consultation.pdf
- 2019-20 Schools Local Funding Formula Consultation.pdf
- Agenda Item 4a - High Needs Block Budget Monitoring.pdf
- Agenda Item 4c - Agreement of Local Funding Formula for 2019-20.pdf
- Draft Schools Forum minutes 18.10.2018.pdf
- Joint SLT_SCT letter - Secretary of State.pdf
- Schools Forum Agenda 06-12-18.pdf
- Appendix B High Needs Block Financial Projections 2019-20.xlsx.pdf
- Appendix C Nottinghamshire HNB Review Report.pdf
- Appendix D Consultation Responses.pdf
- Draft Schools Forum minutes 18.09.2018.pdf
- School Funding Updated Summary.pdf