The future of North Clifton Primary School: Public Meeting, 12 July

As part of the consultation about the future of North Clifton Primary School Nottinghamshire County Council and North Clifton Primary School will be holding a public meeting on Monday 12 July 2021.

Senior County Council officers will be available to listen to the views of local residents, answer questions, and explain the consultation process.

Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend, whether they are school staff, families, or other local residents, but to meet Covid regulations you will need to book your place.

  • The public meeting will be at Coronation Hall, Moor Lane, South Clifton,  Newark, NG23 7BG
  • There will be two sessions, one starting at 4pm, one starting at 6pm. Each meeting has capacity for up to 50 people to attend.

Covid restrictions apply. Please contact Karen Grundy to book a place at one of the two meetings, where contact details for each person attending will be required. Thank you.


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