Training opportunities for teachers and school staff

The Education Improvement Service is committed to promoting the highest standards of pupil attainment and progress through the development of schools and other educational settings. We are particularly focused on developing high quality, strategic leadership, teaching and learning and on closing the gaps for vulnerable groups.

Our expert staff offer schools planned and bespoke support packages to address weaknesses through various monitoring, training and advice channels. We want Nottinghamshire to be a place where children are safe, happy and healthy, where everyone enjoys a good quality of life and where everyone can achieve their potential.


We are working together with TSAs and local Learning Partnerships to develop a coherent and cohesive continued professional learning offer each term. This will address the challenges Nottinghamshire schools face in raising achievement for our most vulnerable groups of learners, especially at KS2. The initial offer will focus on reading, writing, mathematics, leadership and readiness to learn.

Courses we offer:

  • Leadership and Management
  • Closing the Gaps
  • Assessment
  • EYFS
  • Speech and Language Training
  • Language for Life
  • Newly Qualified Teachers
  • SEN and TA Training
  • Every Child a Reader
  • Literacy
  • Maths and Computing
  • Achievement and Equality

The Council's Education and Improvement Service provides a range of training opportunities for teachers and school staff. 

Related services and training

Governor training

The Governor Learning and Development service includes a termly training programme of generic, up-to-date governor learning sessions delivered on a county-wide basis. 

Safeguarding in schools training

There is a statutory requirement for all school based staff to be trained in basic safeguarding on a regular basis.

In addition a senior member of the school’s leadership team should be trained for the role of designated person responsible for dealing with child protection and safeguarding issues; providing advice and support to other staff; liaising with the local authority and working with other agencies.

There must be another second member of the school staff in a position to make decisions and follow procedures on behalf of the school, or in the absence of the senior designated person.

First aid training

The highly experienced and qualified trainers at Notts Outdoors have been delivering first aid courses for over 15 years. The competitively priced courses ensure delegates leave feeling more confident and prepared to assist across a range of first aid scenarios.

The statutory qualifications have been accredited by Ofqual (Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) through ITC First. ITC First is an Awarding Organisation meeting the regulatory requirements for Ofqual and SQA Accreditation.

Courses can be delivered at your place of work or at one of one of Notts Outdoors centres. Bespoke courses can also be provided at your place of work.

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