Headteacher induction

Nottinghamshire has a well respected and valued local headteacher induction programme. This includes:

Term before taking up post

Headteacher induction Surgery


Annual programme of support throughout the first year of headship

Welcome Meeting

This includes:

Working with governors

The day aims to enable school leaders to understand good practice in working with governing bodies, as governing bodies and school leaders should jointly develop effective working practices which are mutually supportive and respective of each others’ roles and responsibilities.

Developing the school self evaluation process

The morning aims to develop the key skills needed to evaluate the work of the school and make judgements using the new Ofsted framework.

Residential conference with a focus on leading on learning

The aim of the two day training event is to improve achievement and raise attainment by:

  • developing the leadership of teaching and learning
  • using data effectively 
  • developing the link further between teaching, learning and progress.

Solution focused approach to leadership

The day aims to support new headteachers to develop a solution focused approach when encountering problems during their first year in post. The day provides the opportunity to work with other colleagues in a similar position.

Learning walks in schools of the cohort members

This is a guided tour of a school led by a headteacher who has been in post for less than a year. During the visit, the headteacher will discuss progress made and difficulties encountered. There are opportunities for new heads to share leadership experiences.

Introduction to the work of the National College and the 'big picture' of system leadership

The aim is to support new headteachers in identifying their next stage of professional development. It includes a presentation from the National College about its work in developing leadership capacity throughout the school.

For details of headteacher induction in Nottinghamshire please email: kathy.brittain@nottscc.gov.uk

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