Types of schools
Nottinghamshire County Council is responsible for setting and applying school admission arrangements for:
- community schools
- voluntary controlled schools.
The governing body is responsible for setting and applying school admission arrangements for:
- academy schools
- foundation schools
- trust schools
- voluntary aided schools.
You can use the school search to get information about any of the state schools in the county, including the school's website if it has one.
We are not responsible for schools within the City of Nottingham. These are the responsibility of Nottingham City Council.
The Trust, the Trust Board or the governing body by delegation, is responsible for setting and applying school admission arrangements for:
- free schools
- studio schools.
In all cases, admission arrangements must be open, fair and objective and in line with the School Admissions Code.
Independent schools
The Local Authority has no responsibility for independent schools in Nottinghamshire. Find out more information about independent schools.