School travel plans

A school travel plan is a document setting out a package of measures for reducing car usage and congestion in the area of the school and improving safety on the school journey. School travel plans are put together by the school and the school community.

Benefits to the school

A school travel plan benefits the school by:

  • reducing traffic in and around the school area
  • improving safety
  • reducing pollution
  • improving relationships with the local community.

Benefits to pupils

Benefits to pupils include:

  • improved road safety skills
  • improved fitness levels through increased levels of walking and cycling
  • increased travel awareness.

Benefits to parents

Benefits to parents include:

  • improved journey quality
  • increased community awareness
  • strengthened home-school links.
school travel plan template has been created to support schools and can be found below.

Further support can be found here: School travel toolkit | Nottinghamshire County Council


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