How can I improve staff travel?
For a Travel Plan to be a success, every member of the school community should get involved - including staff!
Staff car parks are often overfilled, leading to member of staff being forced to park on-street. This can inconvenience neighbours and may pose a safety risk to children walking / cycling to school if parked inconsiderately. Not to mention getting stuck in traffic is frustrating!
Some suggestions on how to address staff travel are below:
- Car Park Management scheme - try introducing a 'permit' scheme, allowing only essential drivers to park in the staff car park (including those who need their car during the school day, members of staff with a disability, or those with no alternative to driving (i.e. live too far away)).
- Setting up a car sharing scheme - make staff aware of other members of staff who live close by to them. Once a car sharing partner is found, it would then by up to the staff members to establish their car sharing arrangement.
- Introduce dedicated car sharing spaces - spaces in the staff car park available only to staff members who travel to school by car sharing.
- Consider installing Electric Vehicle Charging Points: Grant funding is available to install EV charging points.
- Promote this toolkit and market the Travel plan - more information and guidance on sustainable travel is available within the Teacher Zone of this toolkit. Staff members should also be briefed about the Travel Plan during Staff Meetings.
- Involve staff in competitions - the children shouldn't have all the fun! Opening up the challenges and competitions will encourage staff to take part and lead by example.
- Cycle to Work scheme - if you haven't done so already, sign up for the Cycle to Work Scheme so that staff can access discounted cycle equipment.