Opportunities for young people
NHS Cadets
36 week programme for 14-16 year-olds run by St John's Ambulance in partnership with CARE4NOTTS providing opportunities to explore roles in healthcare.
Year 10-13 Online Health & Care Programme
CARE4NOTTS is running a one week online programme for young people in Nottinghamshire from 14-18 February 2022. The programme will give students in Years 10-13 based in Nottinghamshire an overview of what a career in health and care can offer, looking specifically at nursing, midwifery, and the allied health professions.
University visits for care experienced students
Information about university visits for all students can be found on individual university websites. More general information about going to university and some university open days.
Many universities also run open days for specific groups such as care experienced students which will give an opportunity for hear about the experience and support available at university.
University of Nottingham: visit days for specific student groups 2021-22
These visit days are specifically for students who are interested in finding out more about university and who belong to one of the following groups:
- Care experienced students
- Estranged students
- Refugees and asylum seekers
- Young carers
You will have the opportunity to visit our University Park campus, talk to a member of staff and current students, and find out more about topics such as finance, student support and university-level study.
Upcoming events:
- Thursday 11 November 2021
- Thursday 30 June 2022
Booking Form: Specific Student Groups Visit | University of Nottingham
Nottingham Trent University - NTU Next Steps
Explore University 7 December 2021 9.30am - 2.30pm
You will find out more about:
- The options available after school or college including degree apprenticeships
- The benefits of university and support available to care experienced students
- Our university and take a campus tour and see where our students live and study
- Our current NTU students who are care experienced students and take part in a student Q&A
Places are free, include refreshments and lunch and are open to care experienced students aged 16+ who would like to visit NTU.
University of Derby - open day for care experienced students
Year 7-9
- 9 February 2022 10am-2.30pm. Book your place: Year 7-9 LAC Experience Day - 9 February 2021
Year 10-13
- 16 February 2022 10-2.30pm. Book your place: Year 10-13 LAC Experience Day - 16 February 2022