Understanding Pupil Premium Plus (PP+) for pupils previously in care
Pupil Premium Plus (PP+) is educational funding available to help close the attainment gap between children in care and previously in care and their peers.
Understanding PP+
In 2011 the Department for Education (DfE) introduced PP+ for children in care, and in 2013 extended this funding to those pupils previously in care. This is in recognition of the impact trauma and loss can have on children's lives and the key role of schools in supporting children who have had a difficult start. For children previously in care, PP+ is sent directly to schools and academies who decide how it will be used.
Who decides how PP+ is spent?
The school receiving the PP+ payment decides how it will be spent. The DfE states that it is good practice to consult parents and guardians when making these decisions.
Schools should publish details of the PP spending on their website.
Schools should give good reasons for their spending decisions and be able to show that the money spent has raised attainment through:
- performance tables which show how well young people who qualify for PP are doing compared with other young people of their age
- Ofsted inspection framework - school inspectors focus on how well different groups of pupils are doing and in particular those who are eligible for PP and PP+
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
There are processes in Nottinghamshire to support pupils who may need extra help with their learning. Schools are responsible to make sure they follow a graduated response when supporting pupils with SEND.
- read about our SEND processes
Useful links, contacts and resources
The Post Adoption Centre has useful guides in its education resource pages: