Personal Education Plan

Every child and young person in care (3 years to 18 years old) must have a Personal Education Plan (PEP) which forms part of their care plan. The PEP records the child or young person's education and training, describing what needs to happen in order to allow them to reach their potential. The PEP should reflect, though not necessarily copy, any existing education plans.

The PEP should be a co-production activity, developed and reviewed with the child or young person, their education setting, carers, and other professionals. The PEP should include the child's views and provide the journey of their education. It should be developed and reviewed termly. The PEP should document the child's strengths and include Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time Limited (SMART) targets to support positive educational outcomes. 

The Social Worker has lead responsibility for ensuring PEP reviews take place. The DT has lead responsibility for the education outlined in the PEP and oversees its use within the school, while the Virtual School Head provides a quality assurance role. PEP reviews should take place termly to ensure that it remains up to date and is being satisfactorily implemented.

Personal Education Plan 2022-2023

Nottinghamshire Personal Education Plans are accessed and completed on an online platform - ASSET PEP for Success. Social Workers and Designated Teachers will need to login to using the login credentials sent via email. Part of the PEP needs to be pre-populated prior to the PEP meeting. If you require a login for ASSET or if you have any queries, please contact or via Telephone 0115 977 4747

PEP exemplars

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