What we do: our vision and purpose
Our vision is for Nottinghamshire to be a place where young people feel they can take part in a wide variety of fun, meaningful and exciting social education activities; have their voices heard and feel respected as part of the Council’s Early Help and Youth Offer.
Our purpose is to provide access to high quality, safe and enjoyable social education activities for young people, to provide a structure for children and young people to voice their opinions and to shape the services provided for them. We offer focused youth work intervention, and supported referrals for children and young people with additional needs.
We engage young people from age 10 to 19, the Looked After cohort until the age of 21, and disabled young people up to the age of 25.
The Youth Service is available to all young people who live in Nottinghamshire. We actively promote equality of access to the positive activities we deliver for and with young people. We believe that each young person has worth, value and potential. Through participation we engage young people in activities to ensure that the services we provide are fun and responsive to young people’s needs.
Youth Work is structured to make a positive difference to young people, their families and their local communities.