Job seeking support

Working Well East Midlands

Working Well East Midlands offers free advice and intensive support for people with long-term health conditions or disabilities – to find the right job, return to work after long-term sickness, or keep their current job.

Working Well East Midlands is aimed at adults who have a physical or mental disability, as defined by the Equality Act 2010, to help them move into competitive employment, providing the support they need to maintain that employment.

How can Working Well East Midlands help people out of work?

  • decide what type of jobs would best suit you, your circumstances, and your health needs
  • manage your health and wellbeing so that you feel able to work
  • find and apply for jobs including writing CVs, letters, and application forms
  • get ready for job interviews and feel confident talking to employers
  • offer support once you have gotten a job.

How can Working Well East Midlands help people in work?

  • work out what benefits and support you are entitled to whilst working
  • manage your health and wellbeing so that you feel able to continue working or return to work following a sick note
  • help those who are struggling in the workplace due to a specific health condition or disability to discuss reasonable adjustments
  • support to overcome a wide range of work-related barriers and find solutions that works for the individual and the employer.

How can Working Well East Midlands help employers?

  • increase the visibility of your vacancies to a wider audience
  • guide you through inclusive recruitment practices
  • help you review workplace policies to improve staff wellbeing and productivity
  • provide one-to-one support for employees with health conditions to reduce sickness absence
  • help resolve any health-related concerns, disputes or issues being experienced in the workplace.

 Who is Eligible?

  • individuals must be of working age, 16+
  • individuals must have a physical or mental health disability; this can be self-defined
  • individuals must live, or be registered to a GP, in Nottinghamshire, Nottingham City or Derby City
  • individuals must have an entitlement to public funds
  • if an individual is already in-work, they must be working a minimum of 7 hours per week and have been in-work for a minimum of 6 months
  • individuals must not be on another Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) contracted employment programme or provision including ESF.

Make a self-referral and find out more about Working Well East Midlands.

Any Further Questions?

For further questions please contact our Health and Work Partnership Manager, Ella Peacock.

Resources in Libraries

Join your local library for free and get access to online resources to help you find a job.

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