Biodiversity Net Gain Supplementary Planning Document

Biodiversity Net Gain Supplementary Planning Document – Notice of Intent to Adopt 

Following the public consultation held between 27th September and 8th November 2024, Nottinghamshire County Council has considered all comments received and made amendments to the Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) where appropriate. This updated version is the SPD that the County Council intends to adopt.

In accordance with Regulation 12 of The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, we hereby give notice of a four-week period for any final comments.

  • Consultation Statement [PDF] - This document provides details of the consultation process, a summary of the main issues raised, and how they have been addressed in the final SPD. 
  • Amended SPD [PDF] - The updated version of the BNG SPD reflects the changes made following consultation.

Should you wish to make any further comments, please email within the four-week notice period

The County Council has sought improvements in biodiversity in association with restoration of mineral working for many years and many former quarries have become important wildlife reserves.  From 2024 a new statutory requirement has come into effect to require all qualifying development to provide at least 10% net gain in biodiversity.  The County Council has prepared a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to support the policy requirements as set out in the adopted Minerals Local Plan and submitted Joint Waste Local Plan and provide guidance to all those making planning applications to the County Council on how the statutory requirements and Local Plan policies on biodiversity net gain may be delivered.

The Biodiversity Net Gain SPD has been published in draft [PDF] to seek comments and views from interested parties on our consultation and engagement portal Citizen Space and will be amended as needed before it is adopted. 

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