Spatial Planning and Health Framework
The Nottinghamshire Planning and Health Framework (2019 -2022) brings together the Spatial Planning for Health and Wellbeing for Nottinghamshire (2016) and Planning and Health Engagement Protocol (2017) into a single guidance document.
The purpose of this document is to present a holistic overview of health and planning across Nottinghamshire and to provide robust planning and health responses to planning applications, local plans, neighbourhood plans and other relevant planning documents, to ensure health is fully embedded into the planning process. In order to maximise health and wellbeing and ensuring that health/social care infrastructure requirements are considered to meet the growth requirements of the population of Nottinghamshire.
Nottinghamshire Spatial Planning and Health Framework 2019 to 2022 [PDF]
The document contains a number of flow charts that set out How, When and Whom planners and health partners need to engage with in the planning process to ensure that strategic level planning policies reflect their own strategic priorities.
The document sets out a Checklist for Planning and Health - the Nottinghamshire Rapid Health Impact Assessment Martrix ‘The Matrix’ which focuses on the built environment and issues directly or indirectly influenced by planning decisions. As a rapid assessment tool, its purpose is to quickly ensure that the health impacts of a development proposal/local plan are identified, and appropriate action is taken to address negative impacts and maximise benefits.
Local Authority planners, health partners and developers should utilise the checklist when assessing development proposals and plans. The Matrix can be used by planners, applicants, developers and public health teams in the following ways:
- By planners in Local Plan Review and the development of neighbourhood plans.
- By applicants/developers in master planning applications to accompany planning application, subject to local validation requirements.
- By development management control.
- By public health as a screening `desktop’ assessment for potential health impacts as part of Public Health Planning and Health consultation process.
- By internal and external consultees when responding to planning consultations.