Fee Levels for Pre-Application Advice

Nottinghamshire County Council charges for the pre-application service it provides. The fee for this service depends on the scale of the development and is set out below. Some advice like confirmation as to whether planning permission is required will continue to be provided free of charge. 

Fee levels


Category Definition Fee level
Significant Significant minerals and waste schemes:
  • All new and extensions to opencast coal sites.
  • All new quarries or landfill sites.
  • Any extensions (site area, mineral reserve, void area or life) to existing quarries or land fill sites where extraction or deposit exceeds 30,000 tpa
  • Any waste management facility processing over 30,000 tpa.
  • Major energy, minerals or infrastructure proposals, including all stages of hydro- carbon development

Any development involving creation or change of use of 500 sq.m or more floor space

*£1250 to £2000 plus VAT (meeting and written advice) *The amount charged will be dependent on the scale and complexity of the proposal. If the larger fee is required, this will be confirmed in advance
  • Any extensions (site area, mineral reserve,void area or life) to existing quarries or land fill sites where extraction or deposit is between 5,000 and 30,000 tpa
  • Any waste management facility processing between 5,000 and 30,000 tpa
  • Any development involving the creation or change of use of between 150 and 500 sq.m floor space.
£750 plus VAT (meeting and written advice)
  • Minor minerals and waste proposals, not listed in the significant or major categories, such as minor variations/non- compliance to existing schemes/installation of plant and machinery.
  • Any development involving the creation or change of use of floor space less than 150 sqm or development involving no new floor space.
£375 plus VAT (meeting and written advice)
Follow-up Meetings
  • Follow up meetings will be held, where appropriate, for all the above categories (significant, major, and minor).
  • Where necessary (and relevant to the proposal) specialist officers may be invited to attend follow up meetings.
  • Officers may also attend meetings arranged by relevant consultees/third parties as required (this may arise where consultation is required with other bodies to address a specific / technical issue

£150, plus VAT per officer, per meeting.

Specialist officers will be charged for at the above rate £150, plus VAT per officer, per meeting.

  • Informal, office-based meeting up to one hour to discuss any proposal
£150, plus VAT (no written advice).
  • Confirmation as to whether planning permission required
  • Any proposal for which there is no planning fee

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