Special presentations for major planning applications
In line with the Code of Best Practice, major planning applications with exceptional public interest which are being reported to Planning and Rights of Way Committee can have 'special presentations' from objectors and supporters presented to the Members of Committee.
Normally a group or organisation will request a special presentation in support or opposition of a particular proposal/application.
If the committee or chair allows a special presentation the group or organisation will be notified in writing.
When do special presentations take place?
The committee or chair will decide when the special presentation takes place. This is normally on the same day as the meeting for the planning application.
No more than three organisations or groups who oppose or support an application will be allowed to give special presentations to the committee.
The maximum time allowed for each presentation is 10 minutes.
Content of a Special Presentation
The content of each special presentation must:
- be related to the application and must only contain material pertinent to the application
- a written transcript of the presentation should also be provided and given to the Clerk of the Committee at least 3 working days before the date of the special presentation.
Supporting material
Hand-outs and photographic materials must:
- be given to the Clerk of the Committee at least three working days before the meeting
- a minimum of 15 copies must be provided.
Computer presentations must:
- be given to the Clerk of the Committee at least three days before the meeting
- all presentations must be provided on a CD or memory stick
- the responsibility of the presentation working lies with the person giving the presentation
- if any technical problems prevent the presentation no delays will be permitted.
Unless the above instructions are complied with the Chair of the Committee reserves the right to refuse the use of the support material and will direct that the presentation continues without the use of the support material.
What happens during a special presentation?
Special presentations can begin after the public speaking part of the committee has begun. Those giving the presentations will be called forward in the order of objectors first. Supporters of the application will be called after the last opposing presentation.
Important information:
- the presentation can be given by more than one speaker
- speakers will be advised when they have one minute remaining so they can conclude the presentation
- when the maximum of 10 minutes is over speakers will be required to end their presentation even if the speaker has not reached the end of the presentation
- the chair and members can ask speakers for clarification of points raised during the presentation but there shall be no more debates at any point during proceedings.
At the end of all special presentations the normal public speaking arrangements will resume.