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Temporary Closure of Greasley FP32 and FP40


No person shall:- 

  1. proceed on foot,   
  2. Greasley Footpath No.40, between its junction with Footpath No.32 at grid reference SK 4838 4635 and its junction with Footpath No.41 at grid reference SK 4829 4637, comprising a distance of approximately 90 metres.
  3. Greasley Footpath No.32, from its junction with Main Street, Newthorpe at grid reference SK 4833 4628 to its junction with Footpath No.28 at grid reference SK 4846 4647, comprising a distance of approximately 240 metres. 

    The prohibition is required to enable works to be carried out over the paths, and in respect of the likelihood of danger to the public and damage to the footpaths.
