Independent Travel Training for adults
Independent Travel Training is designed to give you the skills to travel to your social care service independently, without the need for Council-funded transport.
This service is available for adults who:
- are eligible for social care and support from the County Council
- need to travel from the place they live to a social care service.
We will arrange for a trainer to do the journey to the service with you until you feel confident enough to make the journey on your own.
The training is tailored around you and the journey from the place you live to your service. If you move or start to attend a different service you can ask for further training to help you with the new journey.
Promoting independence is the cornerstone of the County Council’s Adult Social Care Strategy, which aims to increase people’s ability to be self-reliant without the need for ongoing support from the Council.
- Ensure that people in receipt of assisted transport must have a yearly review of the transport element of their package as a minimum.
- Please refer service users that may be suitable for Independent Travel Training to the Promoting Independence Workers (PIWs) in the Notts Enabling Service (NES) via the contact plus form in Mosaic.
- Please ensure that Council-assisted external transport arrangements (taxis or other specialist transport) are commissioned on Mosaic and that internal fleet transport to Council-run day services is commissioned via the ‘internal request for transport to Day Services’ form.
Train the trainer
If you provide care and support to adults with eligible social care needs in Nottinghamshire we may be able to provide training to you and your colleagues to help you deliver Independent Travel Training to the people that you are supporting.
Find out more
If you would like to speak to someone about Independent Travel Training you can contact our customer service team