Electric vehicle charging frameworks and strategies

The Electric Vehicle Chargepoint Framework

Our Electric Vehicle (EV) Chargepoint Framework details how we aim to work with residents, partners and communities to establish a thriving public chargepoint network across Nottinghamshire. 

Its objective is to provide infrastructure that will inspire and reassure residents and visitors to utilise low emission vehicles in Nottinghamshire to help shape a healthy, prosperous and green future for all. 

Read the framework online [PDF].

Nottinghamshire’s Net Zero Framework

Our Net Zero Framework outlines the county-wide strategy to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Within this, the adoption of EVs and the expansion of the EV charging network, including plans for fleet electrification, are identified as key focus areas in decarbonising transport networks and mobility.

Read more by downloading the Net Zero Framework [PDF]

The Nottinghamshire Plan 2021-2031

Outlining our 10-year vision for the creating a healthy, prosperous and greener future for our communities, the Nottinghamshire Plan includes actions to ‘support people with transport options that are healthier and more sustainable’, including a specific success measure to increase the number of EV chargepoints across the county.   

Read more by visiting the Nottinghamshire Plan website


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